Our Team

Bradley M. Pinsky
The Post Standard reported that Brad Pinsky has a “Reputation For Winning” (2/21/2003) and winning is what clients have come to expect from him.
Mr. Pinsky has unparalleled experience representing fire departments, fire districts, ambulance services, and individual emergency medical technicians and firefighters throughout NYS. He represents numerous villages and towns as special counsel for their fire and E.M.S. services. He represents his clients in all aspects related to their operations, including, but certainly not limited to, providing advice on day to day operations and laws, representation in litigation, performing administrative and government relation services, advising on compliance with state and federal laws, drafting and revising bylaws and policies, protecting the leadership from liability, financing fire and ambulance equipment, and forming Fire Protection Districts, Fire Districts, Joint Fire Districts, and Ambulance Districts, and consolidating fire departments.
Mr. Pinsky represents agencies throughout New York State, from Buffalo to Albany, and from the far eastern end of Long Island to the Canadian borders. Mr. Pinsky regularly attends bi-weekly and monthly meetings of fire districts throughout the state.
Mr. Pinsky has been repeatedly victorious in litigation and frequently argues in NYS trial courts and the Appellate Division. In 2017 he successfully obtained Leave to Appeal to the New York’s highest court, the NYS Court of Appeals, where less than two-percent of applications requesting permission to appeal were granted.
Mr. Pinsky is the author of the popular “Fire Department Law and Management Resource Manual,” and the “Fire Service Secretary & Treasurer’s Manual”, each owned by hundreds of fire departments throughout New York State. Mr. Pinsky lectures throughout the nation at large and small conferences, including FDIC in Indianapolis. Mr. Pinsky authors articles for several popular publications, including Fire Engineering and Fire News. He is the host of Fire Engineering’s monthly radio show, “Fire Service Court Radio.”
Mr. Pinsky served 3.5 years as the Chief of the Manlius Fire Department, a combination fire department running over 2600 calls per year. He served as one of the only Municipal Training Officers of a paid department in the state of New York who is a volunteer. Mr. Pinsky was certified as an Emergency Medical Technician from 1988 until 2010 and in that time served as a volunteer and career EMT in Boston and New Orleans. In 2015 he was named the IAFC’s “Training Officer of the Year.”

Nicole C. Pinsky
Ms. Pinsky is a paralegal in the law firm. She concentrates her practice on tax exempt matters, and each year, in cooperation with Brad Pinsky, prepares numerous tax returns and tax exempt applications for not for profit corporations. She prepares end of year reports (AUD) for fire districts in cooperation with Brad Pinsky. In conjunction with legal work performed by the firm, Ms. Pinsky also maintains financial records for not for profit corporations, fire departments, ambulance services and multiple fire districts.
Ms. Pinsky is a member of the Manlius Fire Department. She also serves as the secretary for a local fire district and is actively involved in volunteering in her community.
She serves as the office manager and as the conference manager for the law firm’s popular “Law and Management” Conferences.

Jax Pinsky, D.O.G.
Jax, the official dog of the Pinsky Law Group, PLLC, has won numerous awards for his keen legal insight, including but not limited to the 2020 Bark Association Dog of the Year, the 2018 Pro-bone-o Pet of the Decade, and the coveted “”Best Cuddler of the Century” Award. Jax can be seen walking the halls of our office, ensuring that all of our employees are working hard for you and looking out for your interests!

David B. Garwood | 1961-2020
David Garwood was a proud member of the Pinsky Law Group for almost 14 years. David served his clients with honor and dedication and was a vehement supporter of first responders and first response agencies. As a first responder himself for over 30 years, David’s heart was always with the fire and EMS services.
David passed away at a young age, but we will always remember him fondly and miss him greatly. We leave his profile as a small memorial to everything that he meant to us and his clients.